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Friday, April 16, 2010

FrEe WrITiNg AcTiVaTy

man last night i couldnt even sleep i kept tosssing and turning..i dont even know why i was thinking that much.. i should hae just read a book to sleep but my mom said that i had to go to sleep early and so i actually tuned the lights out 1030 it wasnt even right.. i finally went to sleep and woke up at around 4 and i coulnt even go back to sleep.. and then i was just annoyed cuz it was cold outside.. my morning sucked..

on sunday i get to go shopping with my cousin for prom i dont get whay our prom is so late but its better for me so i can actually do my shopping now..

i want to go to the movies but at the sametime i dont but if i dont do anything n saturady im going to the movies...

The ont thing i dont like about cold mornings is that i just want to go back in my bed and then i complain for the rest of the day.. hahaha

i miss my bestie Hawi i havent talked to her in so long its weird without her sometimes cuz i tell her everything..

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